New Beginnings #63

New Beginnings #63
  • Retreats,Youth Events
  • Event Start DateApril 11, 2025

New Beginnings is an event for youth in grades 7-9. It is a chance for younger teenagers to experience the love of God in community, and to hear their older colleagues reflect on issues that affect most teenagers, such as Family, Friends, Peer Pressure, the Church, and more. This event is led by teens with adult support.

Scholarships are available upon request. Typically participants (or their families) pay 1/3 of the full cost, the home congregation pays 1/3 of the cost, and the Diocese pays the final 1/3.

If you would like to apply for a scholarship to attend New Beginnings, please fill out the application and pay the deposit (1/3 of cost). Then immediately contact Coordinator Karen Bell ( or Liz Williams (


REGISTER HERE: New Beginnings #63